Our Services

Transform Your Negative Inner-Critic

Most people have 60-90,000 thoughts per day...the irony is that 75-80% of the thoughts you have today will be a majority of the thoughts and emotions you have tomorrow...and everyday. Science shows us that 80-90% of those thoughts are negative. If the brain does not have an answer for a situation it will make something up to convince us...even it its not true. We offer a service for you to be in command of those negative thoughts and change the content of those negative thoughts.

Mindset Matters

Dr. Fannin has worked with thousands of people around the world and has found that your mindset matters. It is the driver of your behavior in both thought and emotions. I doesn't matter if you are a CEO, entrepreneur, professional athlete, house wife, school teacher, tradesman...your performance and personal satisfaction and well-being depends on your mindset. You didn't get the way you are over night...it doesn't take a lifetime to change it...easier than you think! This service will guide you to making it part of your authentic-self.

Coaching / Mentoring

The scientific fact is that we learned most of how the world works when we were 7-9 years old. We all have family of origin patterns we have carried our whole life...like: I want to feel worthy...I want to belong...I want to feel like I matter to others...I want trust those around me are telling me the truth..I want to feel safe...It takes coaching and/or mentoring to make the permanent changes to become part of the real us...in all situations. It is about learning how to become a master of your thoughts and emotions... this service comes with the coaching and mentoring but also an online course that you can review the tools and master the techniques on your time and schedule!

Online Training

You, and everyone around you are up to your ears in it. It’s everywhere you go. It keeps you awake at night, and it really gets you when you’re taking a test. Your friends have it, too. In fact, your family has. You feel like you’re maxed out. It is stress and how do we deal with it! There are two methods to learn...(1) Individual training,  taught in periodic scheduled trainings, (2)      topics in the online platform. You can review and learn on your own time as much as you want and review, whenever you need to review. When you feel stressed because you got angry or frustrated about something, words may fly out of your mouth—even to your friends—and those words may not be the greatest things to say.

Unshakable Identity

Unshakable Identity is a pioneering brand dedicated to empowering individuals,  corporate teams, leaders, and organizations to align with their core strengths and values. By integrating resilience, trust, and accountability into the fabric of your organization, we help you achieve unmatched performance excellence. Our approach focuses on fostering courageous conversations, building a solid foundation of trust, and instilling accountability at every level, ensuring your teams are not just high-performing but unshakably aligned with your company’s mission and values.

"Dr. Fannin has been a complete game changer for my mental fitness. After following very simple directions, I was amazed at how detailed and accurate the reports came back. The tones I was instructed to listen to were calming and afterwards I felt more focused and connected. The program has improved my attention to detail work and my overall sense of well-being. I would recommend this to anyone looking to really dial in their mind-body connection." Daniel B. Paramedic

Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin. Ph.D.


Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D. Neuroscientist

I traveled the world speaking, training, doing over 4,176 brain maps on people from all walks of life, in different countries, different education levels, social status, training. I have published four comprehensive books. Published a 10-hour audiobook. I work with people all over the globe…I am perfectly positioned and experienced to help you with your issue…no matter what circumstance you find yourself to be in.